Its time to go back to LOVE school, whose in?
Im so ready for love this year, love for myself, love for my work, my family and of course of you. You are the reason I am here, the reason why I coach, to help you find yourself and find love.
My book is well underway and without telling you too much, the title is in the line above! We are hoping to have it on sale by the new year and thats a promise.
If you are also feeling ready for a fresh start then come and join me for love school, we can work individually or in groups, ‘ up to you. Let’s get you moving forward with your personal life, your love life and everything else you desire.
I cant wait to share your dreams and work with you on your goals, so book on below and I’ll see you on the other side.
There are two courses, this one is for you if you are single and looking or love;
This is for you if you are in a relationship and want to make it even stronger;
With love
Jo Barnett