How to keep the passion alive!
How to keep the passion alive….
When you are in a long-term relationship like a marriage it’s the little things that count. Hearing those three little words ‘I love you’, can transform the way your partner feels towards you.
Never assume he or she ‘knows’ what you think of feel, continue to practice talking about your feelings and thoughts, get in the habit of sharing yourself, even when you may not have for ages.
Watching the movie ‘Hope Springs’ with Meryl Streep, got me thinking about the way couples grow to take each other for granted, unintentionally. After the honeymoon period, life takes over. With stresses and strains we forget to show love and gratitude to the person we choose to share our life with.
Think back to what first attracted you to your partner. Where were you and what were you doing? What were your first thoughts about each other? A nice way to reconnect is to go on a ‘date night’, just the two of you. Book a romantic dinner without any interruptions and talk about what it was like when you first met, those first few months.
Do you remember what drew you to each other? Tell your partner and see each other this way once more, look beyond what is on the surface and enjoy the trip down memory lane.
One of the most important connections couples have is the physical connection, alongside the emotional connection. Take time to get physical and make it about more than just sex. Treat each other to some massage, get some nice oils and take turns to try out something new. You will be surprised at how quickly the passion comes back once you take it right back to base one!
Hopefully now you will be set for some passion and great connection, remember to allow yourself permission to enjoy the process and that it does not have to be perfect. What you have together is your own unique relationship; just like all living things it needs a good dose of TLC.
Have a giggle and watch this;