You can be happy in yourself and attract love into your life every day
As the UK’s qualified dating Coach to all, with over a decade’s experience coaching people of all ages, men and women, its time for me to help you too!
My New Years gift to you is to share some enlightenment that will give you new hope, love and light into your life every day.
Firstly, do you know what makes you smile? What lights you up inside and out and makes you feel connected and alive?
The secret is to have a daily practice, from the moment you wake up, the first thing you do will impact the rest of your day. Its what you read, what you think, and what you do!
Decide now what will be your practice for the new year, for me I need to wake up and read something motivational, either from one of my books, cards or just choose a thought. Repeat it over and over, then take some deep breaths, take a moment to note what you are grateful for, for what and who you have in life. Finally have an intention for the day, I will choose something like one of these, feel free to use one!
Today I will forgive and choose empathy
Today I am love and will share my love and shine my light
Today I will assert my voice and be the best of me
Today my positive actions will impact those around me
I will show gratitude for everything
Now you can take action, set the table for loved ones or make yourself a healthy breakfast.
Once your day takes off you will notice that it is hard to stay on track, and so come back to your thought for the day, write it down. I am a firm advocate for yoga and exercise but especially yoga for getting your energy flowing as it should and with positivity. Our body needs the right energy and charge to function fully.
Keep up your daily practice and notice how you begin to change your interactions with people, and talk to new people who you may not have otherwise.
Enjoy bringing more love and light into your life and I wish you the brightest and loveliest of New Years.
To book your one to one coaching sessions for the new year click on the link below.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Jo Barnett
Number one Dating Coach
Relationship Expert
Couples Coach
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