My clients go on to meet, marry and live their best life, now its YOUR turn…

My clients go on to meet , marry and be very merry indeed.

Here is just one of my latest emails from a happy customer that will explain just what is a dating coach!

Hi Jo

It’s been quite a while since we last spoke but I have good news. I met a guy called Stephen in Bumble in August 2018. Nothing happened then but we became friends. Then in May of this year, we kissed, in July I moved in and now it’s December, I’m 4 months pregnant, getting married on the 1st February and Baby B is due at the end of April!!! So everything has happened v quickly but strangely it does not feel quick. It seems totally normal that we are living together, having a child together and getting married.
So I want to thank you for the time you took, helping me navigate the often challenging world of dating and ensuring I kept the faith that the right person was out there. I honestly could not be happier. I feel so incredibly lucky and so does Paul.
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas.

Well this really made my day, its why I am a dating Coach / Life Coach and the reason I am here for YOU to help YOU make the shift you need to get results.

Do book your new year coaching sessions to make sure you get right on the journey with no delay so that your best ever future starts today.

Please do contact me for a free half an hour phone consultation to discuss the shift that you want to make.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Jo Barnett