Why hire a dating coach and a relationship expert?

Why hire a dating coach and a relationship expert?


You have everything going for you and life is great! 

What is a coach for?

You are happily in a steady job that you enjoy and progressing nicely. You have a good group of friends you can go out with for a drink or dinner. Your health is good and you are regularly at the gym.

One thing is missing in your life is a partner to share it all with. To share holidays, family occasions, birthdays and special one on one time.

The question you are stuck with is why he or she has not turned up in your life to date. You feel that you have everything going for you and that you are in fact a bit of a catch.

You have come to the right place!
One in ten singles struggles to find love on dating apps and websites, lost in a sea of pictures with no name.

You seek help and guidance in all other areas of your life yet you expect that your love life will just happen, at some point.

Truth is that it doesn ’t, without taking huge action and creating change and understanding your habits it is.

Working with me as your coach, on how to get the relationship you want is a lifetime investment that you have always wanted, so there is no more time to waste!

I work with young professionals, directors and celebrities who have busy lives , they want to learn to attract the right partner for them and get the results they want.

What do I offer?
Learning and developing your communication skills and confidence.One to one coaching sessions, around the world. Face to face, skype and telephone, talks.

How does it work?
Each session involves taking an adventure to explore what your goals are, looking at new ways to achieve and motivate you. To look at avenues you have not yet explored, understanding what makes you #ck, and what makes you do what you do. Changing old habits and getting rid of what’s not working.

What is involved?
Weekly or fortnightly calls or sessions to keep you on track, keeping a close eye on what you want in your life, creating shifts, breakthroughs, giving you objective feedback on how you are holding yourself back and what you need to expand on.

My coaching takes you from being single, in a relationship, marriage or divorce and allows you to go for the life that you want, with the right partner and getting the best out of yourself, others and your life!

I suggest a minimum of a five session packge to be able to work on your life and create some lasting changeI can’t wait to hear from you and how what your goals are today and for your brilliant future.
Lets work together!

Jo Barnett Relationship Coach
Dating Coach UK
Dating Coach New York
What is the next step?