Want to be plus one at the next Christmas party??

Want to be plus one at the next Christmas party??

Its that time of year when everyone wants to be cosied up with someone, ready for a kiss under the mistletoe or New Year’s Eve!    At Christmas time the search for love is stronger than ever so strike while the mulled wine is hot!

The cities are full of bars and parties jammed packed with singles just hoping to be plucked from the crowd by YOU in time for Christmas

Millions of people are online dating and speed dating galore to make their Christmas wish and sharing it with that special someone.

Want to get the right advice to create a perfect online dating profile that will STAND OUT?  Need some top flirting tips to create sparkle on your nights out?  Looking for something that does not exist and need a dose of wisdom?

You are in safe hands with the UK’s leading dating coach and relationship expert Jo Barnett as seen in the Daily Mail and across the media.

Contact Jo about getting your one to one date coaching session and kick-start your New Year with a bang!