Stop the search and the frustration, get the right help to propel your love life from flat to full


Do you wonder why you are not meeting that special someone? Or why you are the only one out of your friends who does not have a partner to take out with you.

You have spent years online searching for dates only to come up with the same pile of blanks and unsuitable contenders!

If you are well and truly fed up and disillusioned with the search then it’s time to do something about it.  You have come to the right place as we who know how to make a difference and create a lasting shift.

I have done it myself, gone from shy and hopeless to fully confident, knowing my worth and getting what I want.

What’s the change I hear you ask, well after years of studying, sole searching and practice I understood what I can teach you in just a few sessions.

  • Know your worth
  • Take control of your self-talk
  • Smash old beliefs
  • Do what makes you shine
  • Practice
  • Make a clear plan of what you want

If it’s time for you to let go of the old stories and take control of your future then don’t hold yourself back any more, book your one to one session today and get the right support and mentoring to propel you forwards.

The link below will take you to bookings where you can start your journey,

If you do or if you don’t please take a good look at my 1 – 6 must-dos to get the love life you deserve and get working start working on it.

With love

Jo Barnett

Dating Coach/ Relationship Expert


Executive Coach

One to one mentoring