Its party time with dating events tailor made for you!!

Its party time with dating events tailor made for you!!

Come meet your soul mate!

Maybe it’s all the sun, sangria or even just the sound of no alarm clock as its school holidays.  Summer time is here and I’m going to help you make it a great one!

Team Jo Barnett has been busy scheduling in sizzling singles events for you to come and meet your SOUL MATE!  I will help guide you towards meeting your soul mate and you never know they may be sitting right next to you at the party.

Join me at our first ‘Match Makeover party’ 11th September, London

We have looked at what you want from a leading dating coach and have put together new one – one coaching sessions, exclusive ‘match make over party’, ‘the art of seduction workshop’, and ‘what women want, a workshop for men’.

You are invited to book in via the website, events are running from Mid July until September.

Be the first to be part of all the fun and please forward to your best friends!

Just to make sure we get it right, I’ve been looking at what makes a soul mate;

‘Your soul mate is the one that will push your buttons and just keeps showing up!’ Wayne Dyer

Your soul mate will show up when you attain inner peace

Marianne Williamson

Your soul mate is the one that WANTS YOU!

Mathew Hussy

Your soul mate is waiting to meet you

Make the most of the lovely summer nights, get out and about, smile and make wonderful connections.
