Fill yourself full of energy and you will be able to do anything, here’s how!

Fill yourself full of energy and you will be able to do anything, here’s how!

Good morning!

Let this be the start of a great week for all of us.

The last few weeks have been quite extraordinary for me and I would love to share it with you.  It all started with a firewalkon the Antony Robins ‘Unleash the power within’ seminar and completed with a dance performance.  I learnt a routine to perform in three hours shared in front of 1000 people on Saturday night!

My eight year old son said to me last night, ‘Mum, next weekend I wouldn’t be surprised if I see you go flying over the house!’  I did laugh and the funny thing is, he is right!  You see the more you do and the further you reach out of your comfort  zone and challenge yourself, the less fear you have and then everything is possible.

I want to share with you some learning’s over the last fortnight that I hope will inspire you and be useful for you in your own life.  Do you have something in mind that you want to do but are putting off?  What would it be like to just crack on with it and have it completed?

Sitting in the room with 5000 other people getting psyched up for the fire walk, we were put into an extremely high ‘state’, in order not to feel the fear of walking on the burning coals.  To get into a ‘peak state’ as Anthony Robins calls it, you have to engage all of your body, and once you know how to do this, you can apply it to any anything.  Here are the steps we took to get fired up!!

1)   Bring the energy into and out of your whole body, we did this by standing up tall, feeling strong and powerful, then dancing manically to dance music.

2)   Speaking our strength – the use of positive affirmations such as ‘I am the leader not the follower’.  We used our voices and shouted out to get our breath moving faster and with excitement.

Imagine repeating these steps for three hours and then try it for five minutes, notice how much more able you feel.

What I want to share with you most is how important it is to create the energy that will give you enthusiasm, in your body, in your voice and ultimately in the way you communicate with people.  If you are not feeling energetic or enthusiastic, how are you going to be interacting and what are you creating in your life?  When you have real energy and passion in your body, you can achieve anything and untimely get to live the life that was designed for you.  This is what my work as a coach is about, guiding you from where you are now, to your best life possible.

Having spent the last week in a truly ‘peak state’, I have been able to clearly focus on where my work is going, and create loving relationships with my children and the people I work with.  It was not surprising that when I heard that there was a space to perform in a cabaret at the weekend, I instantly put myself forward not knowing how or what I would be doing!  I had never even danced ballroom or tango before…

As I walked into the dance room, I was reminded of a great move with Liza Minnelli called ‘Cabaret’.  It’s about a mixture of ammeter dancers practicing performing for a show.  That’s exactly what we were, and I can tell you, I have never laughed so much in ages!  With my ever-increasing determination, I made a beeline for the cutest guy in the room, who I choose as my dance partner, and we smiled and laughed our way through the rehearsals.  After many dips and drops and a few bumpy landings, we pulled of a very energetic move that involved me launching myself at the ground and literally spinning around before catapulting myself through his legs for the finale!  This morning, I cant move any part of my body, well apart from my fingers which I am typing with, but it was so worth it!

On Saturday night, when it was our time to perform, I went on with no fear at all and simply enjoyed myself, remembering all the steps and even showed off some ’styling’.  As I sat back on the sofa with my kids last night to watch the DVD, I can honestly say my son is right when he said, ‘mummy, I hope you know that now you can do anything’.

My request for you this week is that you embrace what you have been putting off and find something that is the biggest challenge for you, and simply go for it!

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