Finding your tweet- heart

Finding your tweet- heart

How to find your tweet heart…..

Love is just a few clicks away.  Yesterday I had a feature in the Sun Newspaper about how romance has turned electric.  By this I mean gone and the days of the old-fashioned love letter and hello to fast and flirty emails, texts, tweets, you name it, we send it!!

There are more ways to meet a partner than there are to cook a chicken, yet there are still plenty of chickens left unattached!  ‘For modern day romantics, a 140-character tweet is all you need to start a relationship.  In the article, share five approaches to getting the attention of your tweet heart.

There is the friendly non-sexual approach, then the flirty cards on the table type message.  When you want to catch someone eye be bold and go straight for the compliment, it can be personal or work orientated, depending on how much you want to take a risk.  Some tweet examples for you;

‘Hope you don’t mind me connecting, but you have a beautiful smile/ face and your profile really stood out to me, I just had to say ‘Hi’.

‘We seem to have lots in common, drinks, dinner?’

‘Great profile, tell me something I don’t already know about you?’

We all love a bit of cheekiness rather that drip, especially when we are talking tweet.  You have permission to be fun and to get your message across quickly.  Imagine face booking a friend about the weekend, would you be all polite and slow or do you get straight to the point; ‘plans Saturday night?’

If you are out there looking for your tweet heart, take a deep breath and dive in, you may be pleasantly surprised.

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