Get your self-relationship ready by doing the things that make you smile, every day!

Adopt a positive mental attitude towards speaking to new people, give everyone your best.

Get rid of pre-conceived negative thought patterns, be an open book and give people a chance, you are not your past!

Change your behaviour, what you have been doing needs a shakeup!  Put in extra effort and time.

Know what you want from life, what’s important to you?

Write out your five-year plan, what do you want to see happening in your life?  Ask yourself, what do I need to do to get here?  What is the FIRST step?

Be aware of what you have to GIVE? Get clear on what you are able to offer a partner; kindness, love, time, honesty etc.…

Your body never lies, learn to work with your intuition.  All you need is your own self-belief and everything else will come to you, go with the signs that you get sent internally and externally this is your inner guide, use it well and grow the muscle.

Meditation and relaxation helps centre you and remind you about all of the above!

Try a new dating app or book up an event/ party, speed dating, somewhere new that you can find opportunities to speak to other singles.

If you liked the above then you will love the new dating package where we will work on all of the above together and keep you on track to finding love in 2019!  

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