
Post Divorce /Break Up Coaching

Spend the afternoon in the company of your expert and like minded people.  Go on a glorious journey to find a better way of being , leave feeling invigorated and full of potential.

Gain confidence and Self Esteem through our coaching exercises

  • Understand your blind spots
  • Learn how to form a new habbit.
  • Set big goals, be courageous and learn to be your very own guide.
  • Become who you were born to be not told to be

Men and women

All ages


When – Saturday 25/03/2023

1pm – 4pm

Where – Hertfordshire

Join us for the fun


Restful dates
Restful dates

Only Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £95.00.

Post Divorce /Break Up Coaching

Imagine what it would it feel life if you never had to ask anyone’s opinion ever again?

Because you were so confident in your decisions.

What would it feel like to be in control of your emotions?

Because you know you can trust yourself.

Would you like to be your own best friend and guide?

Because you are the one who has always been there.

Imagine not caring what others think of you…

Because you are good enough and have nothing to prove to anyone.

Now picture waking up happy, knowing that you are being the best you and fulfilling your potential.

Because you choose to…


Welcome to my new life journey coaching, I am excited for you to join and see what changes you can make.

Individual or group coaching sessions that will give you the confidence and self-assurance you have always wanted.

Click on the link below to book onto this course (or book for one – one coaching)

Jo Barnett

Life Coach CPCC

Relationship Expert
