Is this your year to fall in love?
You are well into January 2017 and its time to dig deep and state what you want for yourself this year.
Is this the year you will fall in love?
Is this the year you will be happy in your own skin and in your own company?
Is this your year to claim you and stand tall, head high in all your glory?
Is this the year to make a big change in the way you react to people and situations?
Knowing what you want is the first step to getting it so be bold and write it down NOW!!
Fill in the gap,
this is the year that I will…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
To transform a wish into reality you must picture it in your mind’s eye. Allow yourself to dream as you did as a small child. I invite you now to go back to your imagination and bring up the vision of what it looks like when you see your dream? Notice the people in it, the focus, colour and sound, repeat this daily when you can catch a spare five minutes.
Now that you know what you want you must keep it close at heart, repeat it so many times that it is under your skin, part of your breath and who you are becoming.
Finally, ask yourself a very simple question,
‘what is the action I must take to allow my dream in?
Listen for the answer, you have it all and the answer is there, inside of you.
Take a moment to make some notes, now that you know your dream, what it looks like, and what you must do or not do to allow it.
From this simple exercise, what have you learnt about your year of 2017?
Please fill in the blank, this is the year that I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Thank you for being brave enough to dream, I would love you to stay connected and let me know just what does come true for you in 2017!
To book your one – one coaching sessions please email me or book a session via the website.
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