Today we remember examples of those who chose to survive despite all the odds.

Today marks 80 years of freedom since the Holocaust took place, the killing of 6 million Jews, women, men and children.

What people survived during the holocaust and in concentration camps is beyond belief.  Viktor Frankel wrote , A Mans Search For Meaning’.

Here’s just one of his quotes from the book,

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

We can ask ourselves the question,

‘What will I do with the life I have been given, what difference can I make in the world?’

One thing we can take is that we are stronger than we think and the mind is able to drive you forward if you are determined to survive and to succeed.

Whatever it is you are fighting against, your own mind, your self belief, courage, know that you do have it in you to make the changes needed.

Finding your purpose outside of yourself and focusing on your contribution to the world is the key to happiness and fulfilment.

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