Struggling to get a date? #tinder #bumble #jcrush #help!!

Struggling to get a date? #tinder #bumble #jcrush #help!!

#Helping men find a date/ love/relationship

Want to step away from always being put in the friend’s zone?

Chances are that you need to change your approach to meeting women.

The good news is that all of this is possible by making a change in all three of the following areas;

  • The way you look
  • The way you thin 
  • The way you behave 

There are three areas to focus on and change in all three will change your life.

In my time as a dating coach I have worked with hundreds of men who have great potential but are lacking in these few areas.  They have not mastered their own identity as a man who can attract the opposite sex.  They either have low self-esteem based on past failures or are scared to attract what they really want.  Habits are not formed overnight and sometimes it can take a while to change them.  This is why choosing the right coach for you is so important!  Someone who will motivate you, push you and not take your b… s….

Let’s take Saul who came to me with anxiety problems around dating and a general lack of girlfriends in his life.  He is thirty-six and still waiting for the magic to happen.

First of all, you know from the success in your life that nothing changes until you change something.

We took the old belief that Saul had around women not finding him attractive or interesting.  We unpicked it and then discarded it as useless baggage.  With some personal development techniques and guidance Saul came up with the new belief;

‘I am super interesting and irresistible to all women!’.

With this new belief Saul embodies a man who is confident, sure of himself, physically and mentally strong.  He said no to the old beliefs and tried out his new thinking and behaviour around women.

The results were outstanding, Saul feels confident and authentic speaking to people, women are entertained and interested and forward when it comes to giving out their numbers.

This is only one example of how powerful changes can be made in an instant if you have the right tools and a new way of thinking.

If you or someone you know would like to become confident with dating and bust out of old beliefs, then this coaching is for you.

I Look forward to hearing from you and how we can work together to bust your old beliefs!

Jo Barnett

UK’s leading dating coach

Dating Coach for men and women