Is your ATTACHMENT STYLE making you anxious or avoidant in relationships? Let me help you.
Want a healthy relationship?
Did you know your attachment style could be making you anxious in your relationships and by understanding which one you can move on with certainty and clarity.
Your attachment style comes from your early year’s experiences and the caregiver – child relationship, this shapes our attachment style.
Our attachment style is ultimately our learned response to intimacy and closeness in our relationships. It has a direct impact on how we relate to loved ones, partners, friends and even colleagues.
These are the main three attachment styles and how they affect your
Securely attached people have less avoidance and anxiety in relationships, often lead to a stable healthy relationship with clear boundaries with others. Will likely have had caregivers who were constant with their love time and affection. Enjoy close relationships and don’t fear rejection, have more satisfaction in close relationships. Drawn to people who are also safe and stable. They don’t fear being on their own but do thrive in a close relationship.
Anxious attached people will have more anxiety in relationships, tend to be most needy and need constant reassurance, craving intimacy but fear of being left or not wanted in the first place. You crave the closeness of a romantic relationship but exhausted from constant worry of rejection. Clear boundaries will not be easy to set and there is a fear and insecurity of being away from their partner.
Avoidant attached people like to stay independent and care for themselves, keeping others at bay if they get too close. Caregivers will have been distant or lacking in time and attention, particularly allowing individual to care for themselves. Dismissive or unavailable during ultimate years. May prefer casual relationships than keeping someone close. Can minimalise or disregard a partner’s feelings, freedom and boundaries are very important. You may think you don’t need these close relationships but in truth we all do.
The good news is that if you fall into any or both of the insecure attached (the latter two) you can change by being aware of your patterns and working with a coach who will set you tasks or exercises to move out of your comfort zone and move forward towards a healthy attachment style.
If this is you then contact me so that I can help to nurture your healthy attachment style and develop secure relationships.
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With Seasons Wishes
Jo Barnett
Life Coach
London Coach