How to have a happy flirty Easter in Lurve!!

How to have a happy flirty Easter in Lurve!!

Its that time of year when the sun is out and people are in the mood for lurve!!

Make the most of your summer and learn how to attract quality women or men by working with an experienced Dating Coach!

I have six years experience of improving men and women in a way that leaves them looking better, feeling better and meeting more quality people to date!

Sex appeal is not something everyone is born with, you can get it by learning how to value first yourself and secondly the people around you.

Today do something different and pay someone you fancy a compliment, the best ones are on this list;

(For her)

Your eyes are gorgeous

You look amazing!

You look taller or slimmer? What have you done?

(For him)

You are very handsome

I love that shirt it really suits you


What aftershave are you wearing, you smell lovely!

Notice the different reaction you will get when you dish out the compliments.  Oh and be sure to hold good eye contact when you say it!

Happy Flirty Easter

Please contact me for a free phone chat about my coaching sessions, by phone or skype!